To everyone (including he who has found perfect love, is searching for reciprocated love, and even the one who doesn't believe in the existence of love): I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day. Despite the gross consumerism and commercialization involved in the holiday, and the fact that for single folk it can be quite heartbreaking to endure, Valentines Day can be a tender and sweet little occasion. To me, it hearkens back to days in elementary school when you baked pink cupcakes for your entire class and exchanged paper notes stuck with stickers and glitter. To open a quaint little envelope with your name on it, and read a punny/cheesy message from the quiet kid who sits behind you and picks his scabs all day, makes you smile because even he has a soft side to him. Sure, his mom probably made him send valentines to everyone, but you're touched just the same. It reminds me of the days you got all giddy when your crush smiled at you, even though you knew he was smiling at every one else, too. Valentines Day was always just about spreading love and kindness, not about finding true romance and professing devotion (though if you're in a relationship, it can definitely be that for you). So I hope you all experienced some love and kindness yesterday.
I do happen to have a sweetie (YAY), so I baked gooey organic Double-Chocolate/Double-Love Brownies and hand-made corny and sentimental cards. That's him (hubby) in the photo, showing off my imperfectly heart-shaped, but undeniably delectable, confections.
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