Thursday, March 18, 2010

Here comes the sun!

I haven't been feeling all too well lately. This being day number 29 of the most persistent, clingy, won't-take-no-for-an-answer virus, I woke up sans sinus congestion, sans sore throat, and wished I could sleep another hour (per usual) but to my satisfaction I didn't feel like I couldn't function properly without it! The end of ill malaise is here, woot! As I munched on a fine breakfast [of homemade granola with plain yogurt and pb&j toast, if you're wondering] I surfed the internets. The handy weather widget on my home page promised sunshine, and it has delivered. It's a refreshingly comfortable day at 59 degrees. The icing on the cake was that I was given the night off from nannying - a pleasant surprise, and I fully welcome the chance to share some quality time with my husband and go to bed early!

So after leaving work at noon, with fair health, mood bright, and the imminence of Spring in mind, I pedaled over to Portland Nursery to get some supplies for what will be my very first season of container vegetable gardening! We have about 5 square feet, perhaps less, to work with on our front concrete landing, so we'll have a decidedly modest selection of veggies. I bought seeds for Roma Tomatoes, Cocozelle Squash, Yolo Wonder Peppers, and Little Finger Carrots. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of picking up the conventional, non-organic variety of the pepper and carrot seeds, so I'll have to exchange those two for organic. No worries, it's still a little too soon to sow outdoors and I don't think I'll start them indoors. I have such bad luck growing anything in this apartment besides the ever-forgiving pothos plants, so I'd hate for all my efforts to be in vain.

And there's a question: Is there some sort of encyclopedic handbook of gardening that folks refer to and might recommend for those of us just getting our feet wet? Or should I just try to go with the little tidbit of guidance on the back of my seed packets? I really want to be successful with this, so I'd appreciate any help I could get!

Well, nothing more worthy to note, so I'll leave you with some things to gaze and guess at:

Apartment Eye-Spy




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