Friday, March 12, 2010

Take a Look

A while back I did a couple of posts on the theme of "Apartment Eye-Spy" - a few simple images capturing part or the whole of things around my home (a glass bottle with a flower in it, a dish with some river stones, etc.). If you weren't around then, or if your memory fails you, like mine forever does, you can re-visit those posts here: A Watchful Gray Laze Day; Drizzle Drip Go the Raindrops.

Well I really liked the concept of sharing those tiny snippets as a way for you to have a peek into the space where I dwell, and it was nice to see my own home from a slightly different, pared down perspective. From now on, "Apartment Eye-Spy" will be a regular feature on Cozy Little Life. Maybe I'll post every Friday and call it "Friday Eye-Spy." When I get a bit more readership over time (there's a hint of optimism), I may turn it into an actual game - I post the picture, you take a guess at what it is. Meh, we'll see how it goes.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next installment of "Eye-Spy" coming this weekend!


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